Welcome to Rio Rancho High School, Home of the Rams!
RRHS Important Information
Principal, Millan Baca
Vice Principal, Brian Belot
Principal's Administrative Assistant, Maureen Storz x 53001
Receptionist, Patti Templeton x 53002
Attendance Clerk, Frances Talbott x 53011
Registrar, Wendy Lopez x 53004
Registrar's Clerk, Nicole Ellis x 53022
Bookkeeping, Lydia Duran x 53028
Book Room, Gabby Galindo x 53207
Bilingual Coordinator/ELL, Hope Alcon x 53206
Food Services Manager, Amy Rodriguez x 53063
USMC JROTC, Anthony Gonzales x 53311
Librarian, Jeff Tolley x 53008
Class of 2025
Assistant Principal, Betty Scheppmann x 53400
Secretary to AP, Roberta Santillanes x 53401
Secretary to Music Dept, Angie Alire x 53432
Counselor A-K, Vicki Valles-Mora x 53104
Counselor L-Z, TBA x 53302
Class of 2026
Assistant Principal, Laura Liccione x 53100
Secretary, Jennilee Haight x 53201
Counselor A-L, Tanya Martinez x53141
Counselor M-Z, Gage Romansky x53105
Class of 2027
Assistant Principal, Elaine Gonzalez x 53200
Secretary, Patricia.Ramirez x 53201
Counselor A-L, Lisa Martin x 53204
Counselor M-Z, Tina Garcia x 53203
Class of 2028
Assistant Principal, Joey Reidhead x53300
Secretary, Eunice Castenada x 53301
Counselor A-L, Brandi Moore x 53521
Counselor M-Z, Elise Mont x 53204
Health Office:
Nurse, Victoria Vigil x 53007
Nurse, Justine Gutierrez x 53027
Health Assistant, Tanisha Beasley x53006
Special Education Services:
Secretary, Genevieve Ibarra x 53003
Site Specialist, TBA x 53034
Site Specialist, Jessica Koppel x 53025
Secretary, Genevieve Juarros-Ibarra x 53003
Site Specialist, Gabrielle Gonzales x 53014
Transition Specialist, Brenda Garduno x 53036
Transition Specialist, Jacquelin Smith x 53045
Social Worker, TBA x 53037
Social Worker, Vanessa Paul x 53040
Social Worker, Cindy Sanchez x 53032
Social Worker, Anna Martinez x 53039
SLP, Judith Des Jardin x 53170
SLP, Alexis Medina x 53108
Psychologist, Dr. Hasan Anderson-Bey x 53037
Visual Support, Monica Manly x 53490
Campus Officers- DPS (School Resource Officers)
Ray Olesky x 53029
Edward Smith x 53035
Safety and Security, Donald Mangin x 53031
Security Manager, Vince Valdez x 53023
Maintenance and Building Services:
Building Engineer, Leonard Cordova x 53018
Custodial Services, David Gonzalez x 53021
Maintenance, Calvin Fragua x 530541
Education Technology:
Network Support, Doug Cutshall x 53033
Ed Tech, Tamara Shepard x 53019
Director, Christopher Salas x53532
Director, Sal Gonzales x 53502
Secretary, Debbie Garcia x 53501
School Profile
Mascot: Ram
Colors: Navy Blue and Hunter Green
Grade Levels Served: 9-12
Four-Year Graduation Rate: 88.8%
Founded: 1997, by Rio Rancho Public Schools. The campus was originally built by Intel Corporation and leased back to RRPS for $1/year; it was subsequently donated to RRPS. Sports and other facilities have been added since the campus opened thanks to funding from voter-approved bond issues.
Employees: 229
Teachers: 148
Instructional Support Staff: 39
Non-Instructional Support Staff: 42
School Goals: Student Excellence
School Programs: Comprehensive High School featuring a strong academic program in the core subjects as well as varied and rich elective classes, outstanding athletics and fine arts programs, and a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
Student Profile:
Enrollment: 2,573 (October 2022)
Percent Special Needs Students: 17.8%
Percent English-Language Learners: 3.4%
Ethnicity/Race: The percentages for each category are rounded up or down to the nearest .1 which may cause the total to slightly exceed or be below 100%. In addition, families of mixed-race heritage may now also designate their child as being of more than one race. This may cause the percentages to add up to a number that is other than 100%.
African-American: 3.3%
American Indian: 4.1%
Asian: 1.9%
Caucasian (non-Hispanic): 32.5%
Hispanic: 57.9%
Pacific Islander: 0.2%
Unclassified/unknown: 0.00%